Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 41

Yesterday was the last day of the drops.  I didn't lose as much this cycle as I'd hoped.  That was disappointing.  I was barely at the minimum amount of weight loss per day.  I'm not sure what the difference was.  No matter though!  I still released 20 lbs as of today.  My total is almost 62.  So, I'm not ashamed of that at all!  I am able to shop off the rack now, which an exciting change!  It was certainly a surprise when I realized that I didn't have to go straight to the plus size part of the store.  So, BIG changes.  60+ pounds!  I can't believe it!  That's two of my child.  Just holding her now for a while she feels heavy.  I can't believe I had that much weight on my body.  Well, I don't have much more to say.  I'll post an after pic in a couple of days.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 36

I'm almost done with this cycle!  One more week!  Then I get to start Phase 2.  It's funny because I'm on day 36, but it feels like I have only been doing it a couple of weeks.  This cycle hasn't gone quite as well as I'd have liked.  The last two cycles were much better.  I'm not sure what the difference is this time.  I've still lost though and I'm proud of that.  I'm down below what I've been in a long, long time.  My body shape is different though.  I'm much more fatty in areas.  That's ok.  I'll get it.  I'll be down more later.  I know how this works now and I won't feel impatient.  This program has been a tremendous blessing to me.  Best thing ever!  Check out the HCG program I'm doing.  This program has changed my life.  Not just physically, but  emotionally as well.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 28

Oh man!  I got lucky today.  I stepped on the scale and found I'd lost 1.2 lbs!  I couldn't believe it.  I thought for sure I'd screwed up yesterday.  I'm wondering if I increase my protein by an ounce if that will help.  There's some doctors that run these programs that notice that their patients lose just as much on an 800 calorie diet.  So, I'm thinking I may just up my protein for a couple days and see what happens.  I'll keep everything else the same.  In other news... I'm excited to get my new salad dressing tomorrow!  I ordered 2 dressings that should be P1 friendly.  We shall see.  It will certainly make life a little less drab.  I can't believe I'm almost at day 30.  I don't feel like I've done as well this cycle as I've done in the past.  I'm still losing within the range I'm supposed to, but the last two cycles I lost at about 0.65 a day and this time it's about 0.56.  Doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.  It's about a 4 lb difference.  I'm bummed by that.  On the other hand, I am grateful for this program and that I'm still getting rid of this fat on my body.  So far I've released 54 lbs!  That's great!  I'm certainly not ashamed of that number.  I would have liked it to be higher though.  Oh well!

234.5/179.8   -1.2 today and -54.7 total!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 27

Today has been a pretty good day.  I wasn't happy to get on the scale.  I am still in this crazy yo-yo stall.  Two steps forward and one step back.  Tomorrow may be another step back.  I attended a friend's fundraiser at a restaurant.  I had a plan when I went in.  I brought my fruit and my carb.  I ate the smallest steak they had and asked that they use no extra oils or fats.  I hope they didn't.  I had a salad with nothing on it but tomatoes.  I did indulge in a diet soda.  My daughter had a steak with steak fries.  I saw them and I was so tempted!  I usually don't feel tempted.  This time though, I was.  I had one fry.  Then, right before we left I had another!  Arg!  So, if I'm lucky I will not have lost any weight.  If I'm not lucky I will have gained.  I'm hoping for the former.  Fingers crossed.  I'll definitely post tomorrow.

234.5/181    +0.2 from yesterday.  Boo!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 25

Today has been a day.  The sort of day that comfort food would be very comforting.  The sort of day where tears are permanently welled in my eyes.  I can't explain the weird sadness I feel at having received such a huge blessing.  Sometimes blessings aren't the happy occasions they should be.  I just know that today is not my favorite day.  I would love to curl up on the couch with some of my favorite junk food, put on the tv and hide under the covers.  The only problem is that.... well, I'm not hungry.  I don't actually want any of that.  I've never been one of those people that doesn't eat when I'm sad.  In fact, I was sitting outside and I realized (at 2pm) that I hadn't had lunch.  I wonder what has happened to change all of this.  This program has changed me in so many more ways than just my weight.  Could it be that I'm dealing with my emotions in a different way now?  I suspect that's it.  Instead of stuffing them down with food, I've let myself feel.  That's something I've never been comfortable with.  I've always hated feeling anything.  Today I feel.  Tomorrow will better.  It always is.  So, today I'll let myself feel and know that I didn't harm myself by stuffing both my emotions down and bad food.  How do you handle your extreme emotions?  I don't have an answer for that myself, I was just curious what others might have to say.

Today was a loss day.  -1.0  Better than it has been in a week.  I lost about a pound for all of last week.  Not my best week, that's for sure.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 24

Man!  I've hit a huge wall this week.  I'm not sure what's going on.  I usually hit a stall around this time, but this one is a little different.  I know to expect them because that's what my body does, but it's never fun.  Hopefully it will lift soon!  


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 20

Well today is the halfway point for phase 1.  Day 20!  I talked to Vicki today and we talked about doing the drops until I don't lose anymore so that I can lose as much as possible.  I thought about that, but then I figured that since R is coming home not long after I start P2 (if I start when I was planning) I might as well leave it at 40 days.  It will be much easier to be on P2 when he gets home than to still be on P1.  At least on P2 I can still go out to eat with him and maybe even have a cheat.  So, 40 days it is.  Not much longer.  It seems to have flown by already.  Honestly I haven't even had to cook since I cooked before I stared the VLCD portion of this phase.  So, I think this weekend I'll do that.  I usually have a lot cooking at once.  I froze a lot this time, so that's what I'll do again.  I seem to eat the same meals over and over.  Thank goodness I'm not one that needs a lot of variety to get through this program.  It's just not something that I worry about.  I can eat the same thing for days.  Maybe that's why this program is so much easier for me than some.  I feel bad.  One of my girls had a tough time.  Her family eats out a lot and she just had a rough time with the variety.  There are tons of recipes, but I guess they just didn't do it for her.  Poo!  I really wanted to see her succeed and get where she wanted to be.  I'm so passionate about this program.  It has seriously changed my life!  It really has.  If you are at all interested in it please visit TeamDauWellness to learn more about the program.  You can now order online.  I think you can pick a coach too.  I'm not sure if you can still do that.  If so, and you want to, you can pick me as your coach.  If you read my blog from the beginning you'll see my struggles and how far I've come.  The purpose when I started this blog was to blog my journey for myself.  I hope that along the way it helps someone else.  PLEASE don't continue to beat yourself up about your weight.  I've spent years doing everything I thought possible to lose the weight.  I went to trainers and did Weight Watchers.  I did NutriSystem and Slim Fast.  I did Atkins and South Beach.  I did a completely raw diet.  None of those things helped!  Once I realized that it wasn't me.  It wasn't my self control (though that was part of it) and I learned the science behind obesity, I realized that I could do it!  It's not a gimmick and it's completely legit.  I wasn't sure at first either.  All you have to lose is weight!  With that I'll give my numbers for today.

234.5/182.4   52.1 lbs released from my body never to come back!

That's what I LOVE about this program.  It's permanent!  PERMANENT!  When I'm done with Phase 1, I add back in my normal food.  I don't count calories, fat, protein, carbs.. anything.  I don't measure out portions or weigh my food. (In phase 1 yes, but that's a different story that I can explain later.)  I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full.  I may get the biggest fattiest burger and fries, but I only eat until I'm not hungry anymore.  I pack it up and take it home.  Later, I may eat a little more.  The thing is, our bodies should be able to regulate our weight according to input and output, but for those of us that are obese, it doesn't always work that way.  The Hcg reprograms that part of your brain and you can go back to how your body should have been functioning in the first place.  You can eat the junk, but I bet you won't want to.

No matter how much you have to lose this program WILL work for you.  Listen, I don't get anything from directing you to the site.  I am not paid by them or anything.  I just believe in this program.  Let it work for you!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 18

This cycle P1 has had very little stalling.  I guess today could be considered a stall.  I gained 0.2 today.  This was the first time that it didn't bother me though.  The past two cycles I would be upset all day at this. I really was.  This time is much better.  I know what to expect and I know how it will end.  I'll still get rid of the weight and it will be ok.  I've already come so far.  It's unbelievable.  I thought there was no way I could get rid of the weight.  I actually considered surgery.  I'm so glad I found TeamDauWellness.  It's been an amazing journey.  If you think this is a gimmick I encourage you to read my blog from the beginning.  It hasn't always been easy, but it's worked.  I've worried about it and had my doubts, but not anymore.  Here's todays number

234.5/183.6  =50.9 total

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 16

Today is sort of a big day for me.  Today marks the 50lb mark!  I wanted to be much closer to my 90 by now.  I'm realizing now that getting this weight off of me and keeping it off is a much better goal and accomplishment.  I've been able to keep it off and eating all the same foods I ate before.  I make much better choices now, but even when I don't my habits have changed some.  I still fall into my old habits of wanting to eat everything I see because I'm scared I'll never be able to taste it.  I'm  not sure where those fears came from, but I'm working on them.  I'm just a work in progress all together.  The issue I'm working on right now is my self-image.  It's really hard for me to look at myself naked in the mirror.  I have a really hard time with that.  I know that I've lost weight and I can see it, but there are parts of my body that I'm still uncomfortable with.  Some have to do with having a baby and some just from years of being obese.  Hopefully I can change those.  Hopefully the things I can't I can become ok with.  Or maybe, just maybe my husband will let me get a little nip and tuck.  Maybe.   LOL :-)  We'll see about that one.  So, here are today's numbers.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 15

I've been very lazy this cycle.  I haven't felt the need to update every day.  One thing I've noticed about this cycle is that I'm losing at a slower rate than the last two.  I guess I shouldn't bee too surprised.  I have less to lose now than I did.  My rate of loss the last two cycle were about 0.65 lbs a day.  Now it's about 0.53.  That's ok and it's still right on with what it should be.  I wish I could be one of those that loses 1lb a day though.  Oh well!  I'm still doing well, and keeping it off.  I had a 2 month P3 and I kept it off the entire time.  I think I did have a steak&apple day once.  I had more of them in P2 than P3.  Anyway..  I'm going to get off here now.  Here's my current stats.

234.5/185   -49.5 since Feb with a 2 month break.  (Actually less though, because each cycle is only 23-40 days.  My first was 23, the second 40 and I'm on day 15 of this one.  So, 78 days = 11weeks.  So a little less than 3 months is how much time I lost the 49.5 lbs.  In between the loss phases are phases where you maintain.)