Friday, September 16, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 28

Oh man!  I got lucky today.  I stepped on the scale and found I'd lost 1.2 lbs!  I couldn't believe it.  I thought for sure I'd screwed up yesterday.  I'm wondering if I increase my protein by an ounce if that will help.  There's some doctors that run these programs that notice that their patients lose just as much on an 800 calorie diet.  So, I'm thinking I may just up my protein for a couple days and see what happens.  I'll keep everything else the same.  In other news... I'm excited to get my new salad dressing tomorrow!  I ordered 2 dressings that should be P1 friendly.  We shall see.  It will certainly make life a little less drab.  I can't believe I'm almost at day 30.  I don't feel like I've done as well this cycle as I've done in the past.  I'm still losing within the range I'm supposed to, but the last two cycles I lost at about 0.65 a day and this time it's about 0.56.  Doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.  It's about a 4 lb difference.  I'm bummed by that.  On the other hand, I am grateful for this program and that I'm still getting rid of this fat on my body.  So far I've released 54 lbs!  That's great!  I'm certainly not ashamed of that number.  I would have liked it to be higher though.  Oh well!

234.5/179.8   -1.2 today and -54.7 total!

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