Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 27

Today has been a pretty good day.  I wasn't happy to get on the scale.  I am still in this crazy yo-yo stall.  Two steps forward and one step back.  Tomorrow may be another step back.  I attended a friend's fundraiser at a restaurant.  I had a plan when I went in.  I brought my fruit and my carb.  I ate the smallest steak they had and asked that they use no extra oils or fats.  I hope they didn't.  I had a salad with nothing on it but tomatoes.  I did indulge in a diet soda.  My daughter had a steak with steak fries.  I saw them and I was so tempted!  I usually don't feel tempted.  This time though, I was.  I had one fry.  Then, right before we left I had another!  Arg!  So, if I'm lucky I will not have lost any weight.  If I'm not lucky I will have gained.  I'm hoping for the former.  Fingers crossed.  I'll definitely post tomorrow.

234.5/181    +0.2 from yesterday.  Boo!

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