Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 16

Today is sort of a big day for me.  Today marks the 50lb mark!  I wanted to be much closer to my 90 by now.  I'm realizing now that getting this weight off of me and keeping it off is a much better goal and accomplishment.  I've been able to keep it off and eating all the same foods I ate before.  I make much better choices now, but even when I don't my habits have changed some.  I still fall into my old habits of wanting to eat everything I see because I'm scared I'll never be able to taste it.  I'm  not sure where those fears came from, but I'm working on them.  I'm just a work in progress all together.  The issue I'm working on right now is my self-image.  It's really hard for me to look at myself naked in the mirror.  I have a really hard time with that.  I know that I've lost weight and I can see it, but there are parts of my body that I'm still uncomfortable with.  Some have to do with having a baby and some just from years of being obese.  Hopefully I can change those.  Hopefully the things I can't I can become ok with.  Or maybe, just maybe my husband will let me get a little nip and tuck.  Maybe.   LOL :-)  We'll see about that one.  So, here are today's numbers.


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