Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cycle 3/ Phase 1/ Day 9

This phase is going well.  I can't believe how much easier it is this time!  Each cycle is easier than the last.  Last night I set up two crockpots and when I got up this morning I had a ton of food for the next week.  I need to do some chicken that way.  I did mostly beef.  Anyway..  My weight loss is steady and I'm excited that I'm below the 190 mark!  It's been a while.  I look at my body and I still don't like it right now, but I'm not sure if that's because my body isn't where I want it or if my eyes still have my old body burned into them.  Who knows..  I'm a work in progress emotionally and that's ok.  One day I will be content with my body and the person I am.  I'm still reading The Voice of Knowledge.  It's amazing!  I just need to remember what I read and that will probably help me during the day.  I should start meditating again too.  I stopped when I was traveling so much.  Well, not much more to report.  Just wanted to check in.

Here's my weight

234.5/188.4  Not bad huh?!

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