Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A not so fun day today!

You know how you have days when the toilet overflows every time you flush?  You take your kiddo to the store and as you're pushing the cart to the car you realize she's soaking wet from her snack?  You load the groceries (including sugar free ice cream meant as a treat for surviving Phase 1) into the trunk?  Then you realize you've locked your keys in the trunk with the food?  Then you wait over an hour outside in the parking lot with a 3 year old in a crazy, sketchy part of town?  Well, I had one of those days today.  Seriously... I'M DONE!  To top it all off, it's now 3pm and she naps at 1pm.  I have to leave by 4:15 to go somewhere.  She naps for 3 hours usually.  So....... today is a bust.  Well, on the way home I stopped by Sonic to pick some lunch up for her.  I looked at the menu and those cheesy, chili tots looked soooo good!  Do you want to know what I ordered for myself?  I ordered a plain burger.  Dry with only veggies.  I tossed the bun and ate a burger salad.  I did splurge and have a diet soda.  I don't drink soda anymore, so that was my emotional treat.  I know that this isn't a very exciting post.  I'm just proud of myself.  In the past that kind of stress would have put me in a chocolate/wine mood.  Don't get me wrong... I am definitely having a glass of wine tonight, but that was already a plan of mine.  It's just a neat phase that I'm in.  I am very excited about this next phase.  It's a chance for me to work on the emotional side of my eating.  It's going to be hard and I may be really negative when I write.  There will probably be tears, but I'm ready for them.  Today was a good step though.  The opportunity to cheat and ruin what I've worked so hard for was right in front of me.  It wasn't even a consideration though.  It wasn't a temptation at all!  It wasn't a struggle.  I saw the yummy food and thought that it looked yummy, but I didn't want it.  So, I think that's a good step.  A baby step, but isn't everything really?  Remember the movie What About Bob?  I always remember what Bill Murray would say.  "Baby Steps!  Success!"  I still think about that.  So today... BABY STEPS!  SUCCESS!

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