Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 1/Day 26

I'm nearing the end of this phase.  I'm starting to feel hungry now, but I usually do in the morning.  I guess it doesn't help that I fixed R my favorite breakfast.  What's that?  Chorizo, eggs and shredded potatoes.  Pretty yummy huh?  Pretty bad for you too I suppose, but the yumminess makes me feel a little less guilty.  It does help to know that in a day or maybe two I can fix a little extra of the egg, chorizo combo and have some.  Hopefully I won't have to have a steak and apple day tomorrow.  I may though, since I'll be doing the Sociable Art tonight.  I'm going to try very hard not to drink more than one glass or have food that I'm not allowed to have.  Oh man!  I'm anticipating a gain though.  So, no loss today.  I was hoping to see one more half pound fall off before the end of this.  Nope!

Weight: 218.5/0/-16

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