Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 1/Day 5

I was a little discouraged yesterday.  I didn't understand why I kept feeling so hungry when most people aren't hungry when on this program.  I don't know what today will be like, but I wanted to at least update my weight.

Weight: 232

1:30 - OK!  Much better today!  If it keeps getting better, then I'll make it.  Man!  Those first two days were rough.  I mean R-O-U-G-H!  Today I tried the Cottage Cheese with fruit and veggies for lunch.  I have never cared for cc, but I tried it again today.  I cut up one whole apple and ate tiny bits at a time with the apple.  It was much better than I remembered and the apple really helped.  The other thing I did today was take the hcg around 11ish.  So, I split it up into three times a day.  I'll probably go back to two times a day in a few days.  I wasn't hungry like yesterday.  I wasn't feeling the empty, gnawing hunger like the last two days.  Hopefully that will completely disappear in the next week or so.  I think what I'm going to have to work on now is the craving and temptation.  The routine of eating right when I wake up, is also going to be hard to break.  I fixed R some eggs, chorizo and potatoes and it just about killed me.  I was like Wile E. Coyote salivating..  I snagged the tiniest bit of egg and sausage.  I mean dime size.  I was so happy!  It's neat to watch her eat though.  She'll eat and then just stop.  I used to feel like I was always feeding her, but I see now that she's just eating until she's satisfied, not full.  Sometimes I wonder how she can not eat anything but 5 goldfish one day and then pig out the next.  She's tiny though.  She's not a little chub, so I hope that she stays that way.  I think she will.  We don't force her to finish her plate or anything.  Well, I just got so off topic.  Anyway....  I'm much happier today.  I still feel a little low in energy, but I'm not feeling dizzy or weak.  I will tell you this.  The number above ^, I have not been able to break for a long time.  I can't wait to be in the 220's.  That will be a great site! 

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