Wednesday, June 15, 2011

An Apple a Day..... Cycle 2/ Phase 2/ Day 13

Or maybe a steak and an apple a day...  anyway.  Today I'm dangerously close to having to do a steak and apple day tomorrow.  I actually went out and bought some steak and apples, just in anticipation.  I woke up this am and weighed and was surprised at my weight.  I really wasn't though.  I've been doing pretty poorly this phase.  Last time it wasn't this bad.  I don't know what my deal is this time.  I'm doing way more emotional and boredom eating.  In a way, I hope that I'm over so that I have to do the steak and apple day.  Maybe I will anyway, just so that I can have a do over.  There's a lot going on in the next couple of months.  I really want to start the next cycle, but I think that it would just be best to wait until after all my traveling is done.  It will put me behind about a month, but then I'll be able to do a 40 day phase 1 instead of the short phase 1 I was going to do.  That stinks, but oh well.  I really wanted to reach my 90 in 9 goal.  I don't think at this point I'm going to make it, but I'm ok with that.  I think I have the tools and the motivation to do it now.  With all the traveling I'm going to be doing soon, it doesn't make sense to try to do a new cycle during all of it.  I'll reach my goal, just might be a little more than nine months.  Or!  Maybe it won't.  Nine months will be Nov 26th, so I guess that's till possible.  My husband will be home by then, but that doesn't mean that I can't still be working on it.  I need to get off here.  I guess we'll see in the morning what the verdict for tomorrow will be.  I did roller blade a bit today and ate light.  So, hopefully I won't still be too much over median.

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