Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cycle 2/ Phase 1/ Day 27

Today was a bit disappointing.  I've been doing well, and I can see now that I'm having the same stalls that happened last cycle.  I won't complain though.  If I do my average for weight loss beginning with this phase then it averages 0.65, which is the same as last time.  If I do it from when I actually started losing on day 6 (because of my 4 load days,) then my average is 0.84.  I want my average to be 0.8-1, but I can't just make my body do it.  I'm hoping that by thinking very positively things will change.  Haa!  Either way, I'm not discouraged like last cycle.  I can see the weight actually coming off.  This program really does work and everyday I see proof.  It's small things.  Some days I actually feel lighter.  Some days I feel like my shoes feel better because my heels don't hurt.  Last week I tried on several pairs of sandals and didn't feel like my feet looked like sausages.  I can look down at the numbers at the scale without sucking in.  My face is clearing up again.  It was starting to look pretty bumpy at the end of the last cycle.  I was eating crap again though.  That's a different post.  My joints don't hurt like they did.  The Biggest thing that I have noticed is that my leg doesn't hurt.  I never really told anyone about it.  When I was pregnant I would have pain down one side of my leg.  I thought it was because of a nerve or something.  It happened a lot more the heavier I got.  Well, I haven't felt it at all since I started losing.  AT ALL!  Well, I know what you're 'weighting' for!  LOL!

2/26- 234.5   4/21-219.5    5/16- 201.8

My first goal is 150.  I'd like to be there by the time Russ gets home.  My ultimate goal is 130.  I'll get there!

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