Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cycle 2/Phase 1/Day 3 (Load Day)

Third load day.  I like these load days, but I'm ready to start.  I don't have my meals made or a new scale though, so I'm going to have to wait.  I seriously need a new scale!  I weighed this morning and it said I gained 4lbs since yesterday!  I weighed 4 more times and it gave me a different answer.  I got 3 of the same, so that's what I'm going with.  See?  I changed the battery a couple of weeks ago.  Anyway....  It's funny that I'm back here again.  I wasn't sure if I would continue or try going to a doc to do this.  I'm taking my drops and I certainly don't feel hunger free yet.  I had a hard time with that last time though.  So, hopefully it won't take as long since I'm doing 4 load days.  What I found that worked for me, was to do the protein first thing in the morning.  So, I'll probably do that most days.  Splitting up the drops didn't help that much.  For anyone not familiar or wondering what I'm talking about, I'm doing the Hcg diet.  I've been working on this since late Feb. when I started this blog.  It's working for me and I have seen amazing results.  It really works!  Even when I added all the foods back in and ate when and what I wanted I still didn't gain!  I ate some crap too.  (Which I shouldn't have.  I am now trying to work on the emotional side of making good decisions.)  Fortunately, when I make crappy decisions I'm not gaining.  Except today, but it's a load day and it's normal and even expected to gain a couple of pounds.  So, I'll get on with the weight update.

Weight:  221.5/+2/-13

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