Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cycle 2/ Phase1/ Day 8

Storms again today with crazy, crazy wind.  Another tornado watch.  I know it's not likely that we'd get another tornado so close to the last, but nothing is certain.  The planet is changing and things are not what they used to be.  The animals aren't going crazy, but the squirrels don't sound happy.  I think it doesn't help that we keep hearing sirens off and on, on post.  Anyway...  I'm going out tonight with a good friend.  I seriously need a little time just for me.  I don't really want to be away from R, but I just need some rest.  So, I'm not really sure I want to go out because I won't be resting at all.  If I go out the temptation to cheat will be there.  I don't want to cheat, but I do want to.  Will it be worth it?  Probably not.  I've been doing well the past couple of days.  My weight loss has been strong and steady.  I'd like to keep it that way.  I think I may just do half of my dinner at dinner and then pack the rest to bring with me.  Here's my loss for today--


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