Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cycle 2/ Phase1/ Day 10

My weight loss has slowed a bit, but hopefully it stays steady.  I'd really like to average more this cycle.  I guess it doesn't matter, but it does to me.  On another note.  I made leeks today for the first time and I really like them.  I wasn't sure I'd like them, but they were actually good!  I am a little sad that it really only made one serving.  I will have to go to the store and get some more.  I need to start preparing some meals for when I am traveling this coming weekend.  This may be tough.  I plan to portion everything out and take it in a cooler with me.  The drive should only be about 4-5 hours, so I think I'll be fine.  I'm pretty certain that I'll be able to make suitable choices even if we do go out somewhere.  So, that's the plan anyway...  I messed up the totals on the table, so I'll update that tomorrow. 


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