Friday, March 25, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 2/Day 2

Today is the second day.  I talked to my sponsor and she said yesterday's weight is my median weight.  I think I did really well yesterday.  I'm not doing well on my water drinking today, but I can catch up.  It's definitely harder not to get back into the routine of eating 3 times a day, when I may not be hungry.  I had a pretty healthy omelet today.  I didn't eat the whole thing.  It was hard not to.  I ate some and then felt full, so I ate one more bite.  LOL!  Hey, it's a start.  I had some yummy chicken with salsa.  I'm not sure if that's allowed.  It has a tiny bit of sugar, but no more than a lot of the allowable stuff for phase 2.  (This was yesterday)  Today though, I've just had the omelet and I may be ready for lunch in a bit.  I think I may be hungry.  I can't be sure, so I'm going to gulp down some water and see how I feel later.  Well, I'll update my weight.  During this phase I'll post my median weight/difference from median.  The goal if you remember is to maintain that weight within 2 lbs either side.

Weight: 217.5/+.5

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