Monday, March 21, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 1/Day 24

I guess this is technically still Phase 1.  I didn't take any drops this morning.  I weighed and I actually went down.  I can't believe it!  My stalls were about 4 days apart, but this last one there was only a day in between that I didn't lose.  Maybe that's a good sign that the next cycle would go better.  I met my goal, not for this month, but the amount I would have had to lose in order to make my 10lbs per month.  I needed to lose .67 lbs a day in order to meet that goal.  My goal, if you remember is 20lbs a cycle.  Well, I'm there.  I haven't lost 20, but I'm also not going the full 30 days.  So, I'm pleased.  I would loved to have lost more, but that's ok.  I think the next couple of days are going to be hard for me.  I can feel the hunger creeping up on me.  As you know, I've had a tough time with this.  From what I understand though, this is not usual.  It's not totally unusual, but most people don't feel hungry while on the drops.  I sure hope that if you're considering this program you don't get turned off by it.  It's been a hugely emotional experience for me.  I'm not usually so much of a negative nellie, but I sure have felt it lately.

Weight: 218.5/-1.5/-16

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