Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 1/Day 23

Today is the last day of Phase 1.  Next cycle I think it will be longer, but right now I'm stopping so that I can start again sooner.  My plan is to do another cycle and go from there.  Depending on how the next cycle goes, I may do another or I may lose the rest on my own.  Although losing 60 lbs would be great, it's very far off from my goal.  I'm not there yet, so I won't worry about that.  This is the last day of the drops, but not the last day for the VLCD.  The next three days will still be the low calorie diet without the drops.  I may only last one or two days though.  I'm not expecting to go all three days.  I've had a rough time with hunger during this phase.  After those days, I can add everything but starch and sugar back into my diet.  That  sure opens a lot of doors.  I'll be eating "intelligently", and weighing everyday to make sure I don't go +/- 2 over the weight from today.  This phase will last 21 days and then I'll move on to the last phase, where I'll add everything else back into the diet.  Starches, sugars, salty foods... nothing will be off limits.  In these two phases, should I go over the 2 lbs from where I'm at today, I'll have a Steak and Apple day.  Those days I'll have an apple (as big as I like) and a steak (as much as I can stuff into my mouth.)  I guess that was pretty self explanatory.  So in the spirit of being super prepared, I have already bought a huge steak and apple.  This Wednesday may set me back a little.  That's ok though, it will be worth it.  Ok, well the big reveal for the end of this cycle.  No surprise about the weight.

Weight: 220/0/-14.5

Here are some pics.  I don't see any difference.

Well the table has moved, but no difference on me.  It takes more weight loss to make a difference when you're this heavy I suppose.  Still, total since my husband left is 22.5 lbs.  That's good I guess.  He's been gone a little over a month.  Here are side pics.

That's it!  Hopefully the end of next cycle will see me even thinner!


I was doing a little  more reading.  I probably should have done that before this post.  Anyway... This may not be my final weight.  I may still lose weight tomorrow or the next day even.  We'll see.  I somehow doubt I'll be lighter tomorrow, but I guess you never know.

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