Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 1/Day 15

Just as my child likes to mess with my brain when it comes to napping, I think my body is messing with my brain with these stalls!  I finally had a good loss day.  Man!  Every morning I feel like I'm gambling.  It's almost too much for me.  I wish I didn't have to weigh in every day.  Anyway... Yay!  I had a loss day!  A good one.  I wonder if this is how my body is going to do it the whole time?  I guess if it happens again I'll know.  I haven't noticed a difference in clothing or looks yet.  I'm going to take a pic on Monday and compare it to the pic from the first day.  That should be fun.  Ok!  Well, time to update weight.

Weight: 223.0/-2.5/-11.5

I thought I'd mention something interesting.  I was driving home from my mom's house tonight and I passed by Bojangles.  If you aren't from the south you won't know what it is.  It's the best chicken place there is.  They make the best biscuits and  sweet tea on the earth!  We used to live in the same town that this fast food place is, but we now live about 40 minutes from it.  Probably a good thing.  Anyway.... I passed by it and for the first time when I looked at it, I didn't feel that pull.  Normally I see it and there's a craving that's so horrible I feel like I'm going to fall apart.  Even if I do manage to not pull in the drive through, I felt sad and terribly hungry.  I could seriously eat there 6 days a week.  Not today though.  Nothing.  No emotions about it.  No pull.  No crazy hunger or cravings.  Sure, it would be a nice treat, but I didn't need it.  That was a good feeling.  You better believe on my next load day that I'm going to pig out there at least once!  I'm not THAT over it!

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