Friday, April 8, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 2/Day 15

Doing well.  I have a hard time with this phase, but not in the way I thought I would.  I thought I would have a hard time because I'd want to snack and munch.  The fact is, I am having the opposite problem.  You know when you hear those skinny people say, "Oh!  I totally forgot to eat!  I just got so busy."  I hate it when people say that!  I really do.  Drives me crazy.  I feel like they're just trying to make it seem as if they don't have any food issues and I must be low on will power.  You know what though?  I became one of those people!  What in the world?!  I have never  IN. MY. LIFE been able to say I forgot to eat.  Never!  Lately though, I have.  I think about it, then just don't do it.  My problem with this phase has not been gaining too much, but teetering right on the edge of the median.  I'm one toe over the low side.  Not that I couldn't stay up.  I'm just amazed at how much I do eat and not gain over the median.  This must be because my body has been reset.  It has to be!  So, I'm doing well.  I'm enjoying the excuse to eat whatever I'd like to eat.  I've even cheated a little here and there.  Not bad, but just little things off of R's plate.  Anyway...  This phase is almost over and I'll have a new challenge when I add the carbs and sugar back in.

Weight: 217.5/-3

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