Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cycle 1/Phase 1/Day 8

Arrrg!  Another day with no loss.  This is a little frustrating.  I've been doing well.  No cheating.  Drinking all of my water.  I checked my bath products.  I didn't check my shampoo, so I'll do that.  It's not my cycle, (Mine are 100 days apart) and I always watch my sodium.  Other than that, I just don't know.  I've been spoiled lately not just with this, but with the 6 week body makeover too.  I only did that for a week, then hubby was leaving, so I let up.  I lost 9 pounds that week though.  I was sort of hoping I'd lose at least that much or close to it.  I mean, dang!  For the 6WBM I was able to eat potatoes and breakfast.  I'm sure I'll look back in a month and realize it's all worth it, but right now, I just can't see it.  I've also had a constant headache since I started this.  I know my body pretty well, and it's not because I'm detoxing.  The first couple of days maybe, but not now.  Sigh...
OK. Attitude change. The positive side is this.  I didn't gain.  That's good.  The other thing I look forward to is a more permanent change.  That's what this program promises, and that's more important to me.  I'd much rather suffer now, and know that later I can eat how and what I like.  It makes me think of Dave Ramsey and how he talks about living like no one else so that later you can live like no one else.  You know?  Right now, I'm budgeting my food.  Using it sparingly and making it go far, so that later I can eat what I want when I want.  Now, I just have to do that with our finances.  We're getting there though.  So, I'm bummed, but I'll keep on working.  Hopefully something will happen tomorrow.

Weight: 230.5

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